Literacy Achievement and Retention Activity (LARA): Community-Based Case Management





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The USAID-funded Uganda LARA activity improves learning outcomes and school retention and reduces school-related gender-based violence by improving instruction, building a positive school climate, and strengthening students’ social and emotional learning.

WEI/Bantwana delivered the Village Child Case Management Committee (VCCMC) model at scale, bringing together teachers, communities, social welfare cadres and districts to prevent and respond to school-related violence against children. 

Literacy Achievement and Retention Activity (LARA) was focused on improving reading skills for 1.3 million learners in 28 districts throughout Uganda, concentrating on two results: 1) improved capacity to deliver early grade reading instruction in local languages and English; and 2) improved student retention in primary grades (P1–P4), through the reduction of school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) resulting in safer school environments. Both of these results were intended to contribute to the overall objective to improve reading skills.

Using WEI/Bantwana's Village Child Case Management Committee (VCCMC) model, WEI/Bantwana formed 1,180 VCCMCs across 28 districts. These VCCMCs identified and followed up 5,100 cases within their first six months of formation. WEI/Bantwana also provided technical support to strengthen the networks that link violence against children (VAC) service providers and actors to implement activities that translate into effective referral webs. 

Leveraging its Village Child Case Management Committee (VCCMC) model, World Education's Bantwana Iniatitive worked with USAID | Uganda Literacy Achievement and Retention Activity (LARA) sub-grantees to develop local structures for reporting cases of violence against children in schools and refer cases to support services in the community.

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