SABES Program Support Professional Development Center: Career Pathways


MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education


United States

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The SABES Program Support Professional Development (PSPDC) Career Pathways team supports adult educators in developing effective career pathways programs and service delivery options that lead to greater employment and economic opportunities for all students.

While the majority of Massachusetts adult education (AE) students are employed, most are in low-wage, poor-quality jobs without benefits, schedule stability, or opportunities for advancement.

These learners benefit when programs infuse career pathways and next steps preparation into overall program design and communicate a culture of college and career readiness at every level and type of instruction. Learners also benefit when teachers, advisors, and programs are well connected to career centers, local training and certification programs, post-secondary employment, and other community and state job support services.

We support these efforts by offering professional development, resources, and guidance on topics such as promising Integrated Education and Training (IET) and Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education (IELCE) models, strengthening WIOA partnerships, integrating career awareness throughout all classes, identifying on-ramps to high demand industry sectors, and engaging in workplace education.

The SABES PSPDC’s Career Pathways project is funded by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to support the 1,100 teachers, advisors, and program directors in the Massachusetts AE system. Each year, these educators work with 18,000 adult learners, particularly those with barriers to employment, to identify and achieve their family, civic, education, and career goals.



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