A Holistic Understanding of Skills: DRAW Detailed Findings and Discussion

With the urgent need for adult digital skill development as a backdrop, the Digital Resilience in the American Workforce (DRAW) initiative, funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE), conducted a wide-ranging landscape scan to identify effective approaches and existing resources supporting digital skills development.

In focus groups conducted for the DRAW landscape scan, adult learners noted the varied ways each of them uses technology in their daily lives and work, including navigating new and constantly evolving apps and platforms for tasks such as coordinating and supporting their children’s schooling and extracurricular activities or for finding and engaging in formal employment, entrepreneurship, and gig-economy opportunities. Learners also expressed access to better employment opportunities as a top motivating factor for improving their digital literacy. With this learner input in mind, this deep dive explores two themes in more detail: lifelong and life-wide learning and digital skills for employment.

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