Egypt Literate Village Program Household Survey Endline Evaluation Report

This document presents the executive summary of the endline household survey results from participants in the USAID- funded Egypt Literate Village project. The purpose of the household survey is to assess the impact of the LV
project on mothers’ literacy, as well as their perception of education, parenting skills with their school-age children, and support of their children's education in their households. The results from this survey may be used to improve women's literacy skills as well as the relevant Egyptian governmental authorities’ and USAID's understanding of mothers’ knowledge, attitudes, and practices surrounding education in the project communities.

The survey showed that women's participation in Literate Village activities and the length of their engagement are critically important. Those who completed the activities showed significant outcome improvement. Those who dropped out and missed most of the 9-month literacy classes and other engagement activities did not show any outcome improvement. World Education, 2021.

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