Supporting the Economic Integration of Adult Learners with Emerging Literacy Skills

This spotlight shares examples of how adult education programs incorporate economic integration activities into their curriculum to help learners with emergent literacy skills navigate economic systems and participate in the workforce.

Research shows that adult learners with emerging literacy skills may take longer to achieve English proficiency than English learners with literacy skills in their home language(s).Therefore, dedicated and focused instruction, including multilingual supports, can help them reach their immediate life and language goals, and successfully navigate the economic, civic, literacy, and linguistic aspects of their new communities. Read this spotlight to explore instructional approaches and resources to support the economic integration of learners with emerging literacy.

The Enhancing Access for Refugees and New Americans (EARN) project aims to support adult educators in developing and delivering high quality Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education (IELCE) / Integrated Education and Training (IET) programming in alignment with an immigrant integration approach. EARN Spotlights describe and provide examples of specific aspects of IELCE/IET implementation.

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