World Education Statement on Climate Change

May 18th, 2022 | News


At World Education, our mission is to improve people’s lives through education and economic development. We work with people across the globe to make sure all individuals can live their best and healthiest life. To ensure this is true for persons of all races, ethnicities, gender, age, sexual orientation, or circumstances, we help those affected to address the root causes of inequity as they lead efforts to reshape systems, policies, and environments. We do this by taking an equity-centered, community-focused approach to working in education and civil society systems.

We recognize that our work requires that we confront the consequences of climate change, environmental degradation, and biodiversity loss. We understand that improved education and development cannot be achieved and sustained unless we simultaneously commit to supporting community-led mitigation to prevent harmful climate and environmental change, adaptation to lessen the consequences, and resilience to foster recovery as needed.

Our parent company, JSI Research & Training Institute, is a signatory to InterAction’s NGO Climate Compact. This multifaceted agreement requires us to be accountable as we engage in advocacy and education efforts, address the multi-dimensional drivers of climate and environment change, examine and change our internal operations, and learn from others. 

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World Education strives to build lasting relationships with partners across diverse geographic regions and technical sectors to produce better education outcomes for all.
