Chenguetai Wana – Technical Assistance & Capacity Development


USAID/Mozambique,PEPFAR,Associação Nacional para o Desenvolvimento Auto Sustentado



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We are an international technical assistance (TA) partner supporting a local Mozambiquan NGO, Associação Nacional para o Desenvolvimento Auto Sustentado (ANDA), which has received direct USAID funding for the first time to implement a five-year (2020-2025), USAID/PEPFAR-funded project, Chenguetai Wana. The initiative is scaling-up evidence-based and innovative strategies for HIV and gender-based violence (GBV) prevention and response services.

World Education's Bantwana Intiative will help strengthen ANDA's ’ systems for effective management of USAID funds and to enable cost-effective service delivery. We will provide intense upfront program and financial management support for the first 18 months and continued technical leadership support and follow-up for up to 36 months.

Our Capacity-Building Activities & Expected Outcomes

  • Lead the systematic development of action plans to address priority organizational and technical capacity strengthening.
  • Provide customoized capacity building across the first three years of each project (2020-2023) to ensure effective program implementation and management for two new direct recipients of USAID/PEPFAR funds.
  • Provide on-going and targeted technical assistance to each consortia, comprised of local NGOs, to enhance integrated health and social protection service delivery for vulnerable families, using evidence-based and innovative OVC, HIV prevention, and DREAMS models. 
  • Monitor ANDA's progress along a measurable and transparent capacity strengthening continuum. 



The Bantwana Siyakha Model: Enhancing Economic Opportunities for Girls in Mozambique

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