Improving the HIV Continuum of Care for OVC in Mozambique

Mozambique’s HIV/AIDS epidemic has resulted in an estimated 920,000 children orphaned by AIDS and 2.2 million people living with HIV. Testing, care, and treatment programs have been widely scaled up over the past decade, but the fight against the epidemic is not over, particularly with regard to timely linkage to HIV care and treatment, and achieving long term ART retention and viral suppression.

World Education Bantwana's Community & Child Strengthenig (FCC) project's overall goal was to reduce the socioeconomic impact of HIV/AIDS on OVC & their caregivers in Mozambique by enhancing the capacity of families & communities to support, protect, and care for orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) & caregivers. FCC has significantly enhanced community-based HIV prevention and response mechanisms for OVC and their caregivers, increasing the capacity of individuals, community structures, organizations, and government bodies. WEI/Bantwana helped strengthen locally driven referral systems within communities and across sectors in four provinces and 16 districts to ensure that OVC and households are able to access a range of services that holistically meet their needs. 

This Brief highlights our key strategies, results and innovations that improved the HIV Continuum of Care for OVC in Mozambique.

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