
Professional Development, Technical Assistance, and Coaching

Improving the quality of adult education

Professional development is critical to improving the quality of education services, fostering innovation, and facilitating change. We work collaboratively to customize professional development and technical assistance that supports clients, from local practitioners to state systems.

Our approach is guided by research indicating that professional development should promote active learning; be sustained to promote meaningful change; be job-embedded and data-driven; and assess changes in participants’ knowledge, skills, and practices.

Working with a broad range of constituents, we design all of our services to build our collective capacity to improve and maximize equitable access to education and career opportunities for adults. We customize our work in response to specific contexts; leverage partnerships and resources; strengthen networks; and integrate the use of data for the greatest impact. Learn more about our capacity building work through the World Education and JSI Capacity Development Center.

Professional Development Candidates gather in classroom



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Partner with Us

World Education strives to build lasting relationships with partners across diverse geographic regions and technical sectors to produce better education outcomes for all.
