
Research, Evaluation, and Demonstration Projects

Building the evidence for successful programs and learning

Adult learners deserve high-quality technology-rich education that enables them to meet their goals. That is why our projects are grounded in evidence, and we contribute to knowledge in adult education and digital literacy through our own research and evaluation.

Our 21st Century Learning Ecosystem Opportunities research initiative with Portland State University is illuminating what motivates frontline service workers to learn. Our demonstration projects, such as Transitions to College and Careers, deepen our understanding through partnerships with local practitioners and systems that serve adults with foundational skill needs.

Increasingly, we use a co-creation model that brings partners in early to shape research questions and designs. In the multi-year Career and Technical Education CoLab, we are working with Urban Institute, national partners, and community colleges to meet the needs of their students and advance equitable outcomes in online programs.

We also field test products to support the development of EdTech with adult learners in showcases tools that we have field-tested in varied contexts with worker-learners for the Employment Technology Fund. In addition, we have partnered with Learning Upgrade, Voxy, Cell-Ed, and Burlington English to author use scenarios that illustrate implementation, and are helping Adobe pilot its new Liquid Mode screen in adult education.

Our work is built on the National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy, for which we were a lead partner for dissemination and research from 1996 to 2007. Much of that research is still relevant and available at

Research program members gather and discuss at table



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