We have been a significant force in national efforts to improve quality in both the formal and non-formal education sectors in Cambodia for thirty years, working alongside the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS). Today, we continue to work closely with the MoEYS, local organizations, and other stakeholders to address education disparities.
We first began working in Cambodia in 1991 on a health education project funded by USAID. Following 20 years of civil war, regional conflict from the Vietnam War, and the legacy of the Khmer Rouge, our early projects focused on health education, capacity building, and literacy.
Over the past 30 years, our projects have helped strengthen the critical thinking, self- confidence, and knowledge of Cambodian children and youth, including migrants and young women, through improved learning outcomes, preparedness for the world of work, promoting positive parenting skills, and civic engagement.
As a major grantee of USAID and other donors, we have played an influential role in increasing access to primary and lower secondary education and strengthening educational quality through teacher education, incorporating life skills into classroom curricula, promoting child-friendly schools, and improving school governance and accountability.
Today, with a focus on early grades, we play a significant role in supporting government efforts to improve reading outcomes nationally. With a wide presence across the country, we support the professional development of teachers, school directors, and MoEYS counterparts, we promote parental engagement, and assist in the development of high-quality teaching and learning materials. At the same time, we are recognized as a leader in integrating technology into program strategies to address educational challenges.
After 30 years of active engagement in capacity building, we are proud of the role that we have played improving education opportunities and promoting equitable and local development in Cambodia.