Preventing and Responding to Gender-Based Violence

Gender-based violence is a hidden pandemic with staggering social and economic costs. The United Nations estimates that approximately one in three women – an estimated 736 million women – have experienced sexual and gender-based violence in one form or another at least once.

Survivors of GBV, particularly girls and young women, suffer psychological trauma, unwanted early pregnancy, HIV exposure, and may be forced into an early marriage (itself a form of GBV). Unattended, these survivors face long term physical and mental health consequences, aside from education disruption that limits their economic prospects. Yet, many countries around the world have oftentimes underinvested in measures to adequately deal with this pandemic.

Children & Adolescents

Children and adolescents are at especially high risk of experiencing GBV, yet often do not have the resources to facilitate their recovery and break the cycle of violence. The resources below are intended to help prevent and respond to gender-based violence.


Individuals with HIV, especially women and girls, are at increased risk for GBV. These resources target the intersection of HIV and gender-based violence.

Social Behavior Change

Drawing on our experience working with communities, these resources provide locally tailored approaches to engaging communities to prevent and respond to GBV.

Community Dialogues on Gender Based Violence: A Facilitator's Guide. From the Bantwana Initiative of World Education.

Clinical Providers

Service delivery programs are key in the prevention and response to GBV. Every clinic visit made by a GBV survivor presents an opportunity to ameliorate the effects of violence and help prevent future incidents. These resources are intended to strengthen service providers’ capacity and help providers reflect on and discuss GBV prevention and response.
