All Children Reading-Cambodia was a USAID-funded project with the goal of improving the Early Grade Reading (EGR) skills of children in Grades 1 and 2 in Cambodia. The project assisted the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport (MoEYS), its development partners, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector to harmonize EGR teaching and learning approaches in Cambodia. The project built upon pre-existing EGR tools, textbooks, teacher training modules, and implementation approaches, in partnership and coordination with EGR development and NGO partners working in Cambodia.
World Education worked in over 480 schools in Kampong Thom province to support the roll-out of Komar Rien Komar Cheh, the government’s newly created EGR package of teaching, learning, and teacher professional development materials. During the 2018-2019 school year, WEI supported the implementation of the EGR pilot for all pre-school and Grade 1 teachers in Kampong Thom province, while during the 2019-2020 school year, WEI supported the implementation of the EGR package for all Grade 2 teachers in Kampong Thom province.
Additionally, WEI was responsible for the coordination and logistics for the training of all Grade 1, Grade 2, and primary school directors in all districts in Kampong Thom, the hiring, management, and oversight of 52 Literacy Coaches, and the intensive, twice-monthly coaching component for 100% of schools in 6 out of 8 districts.