Seaport Hotel and World Trade Center Workplace Education Program


Seaport Hotel and World Trade Center


United States

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Seaport Hotel and World Trade Center employees developed their English literacy and communication skills in work-based English classes in a program called English for Seaport Team Members, a five-year partnership between World Education and Boston's Seaport Hotel and World Trade Center (Seaport).

Seaport employees built English, teamwork, cultural awareness, and digital literacy skills while studying workplace-related topics such as understanding co-workers and supervisors, presenting at meetings, and understanding performance reviews. The learners benefitted from World Education's expertise in digital literacy as they field-tested and learned to use mobile English language learning apps, logging in many additional hours of study outside of class. They became proficient users of their workplace-based app for messaging and payroll-related information. Their improved skills helped them to more effectively do their jobs and grow their careers, while contributing to the high quality of service provided to their hotel guests.

A collaborative Planning and Evaluation Team, composed of World Education lead staff and Seaport supervisors, managers, and program participants, played an active role in program governance and provided input into curriculum so that instruction connected directly to learner and workplace needs. The project was publicly funded by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education for the first three years and direclty by the Seaport for the last two years.



Developing Meaningful Workplace Curriculum

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