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Found 202 results

Grapes for Humanity Support for Landmine Survivors and Persons with Disabilities

In partnership with Grapes for Humanity Global Foundation, World Education is supporting landmine survivors and persons with disabilities living in Southeast Myanmar in covering expenses associated with medical and rehabilitation services such as shrapnel removal and prosthetics and prosthetic repair. The project also provides beneficiaries with assistive mobility devices such as wheelchairs and crutches. More…

Victim Assistance to the Survivors of Explosive Hazards and Social Cohesion Initiatives in the Northern Regions of Mali

World Education partnered with Aide à l’Enfant du Désert et du Sahel (AEDS) to assist the United Nations Mine Action Service’s (UNMAS) work in the region. World Education provided assistance to survivors of mine explosions to enable them to address their needs and improve their living conditions. World Education also developed social cohesion initiatives in…

Personal and Workplace Success Skills Library

The Personal and Workplace Success Skills Library is a curated collection of high-quality resources to guide the integration of personal and workplace success skills into curriculum and instruction, advising and coaching, assessment, and program design. Personal and workplace success skills are transferable skills that are critical for finding employment and advancing in a career pathway. They are also…

Access to Education for All Children in Mali

More than Mali's population of 15.3 million people is under age 18—and at least 845,000 children of primary school age are out of school, according to the Education for All 2013/2014 monitoring report. In response to this challenge, a consortium of members of the Forum of International NGOs in Mali (FONGIM)—of which World Education in…

Improving Education in Loulo Mine Communities

Since 2013, the Loulo Gold Mine (in French, Société des Mines de Loulo, S.A. or SOMILO), a subsidiary of the Barrick Gold Corporation, has partnered with World Education to improve the quality of education in mine communities. SOMILO supports projects implemented by World Education to increase student retention, train teachers, and build the capacity of…

Technology Testing for Adult Learning and Employment

To better understand how new technologies can increase workforce development outcomes, the EdTech Center @ World Education field-tested employment and education technologies with over 1,500 working adult learners and job seekers, over half of whom were immigrants. The report,  Leveraging Technology to Increase Opportunity and Economic Security for Adults, details learnings on how seven digital technologies removed barriers preventing…

Education Project for Peace in the Regions of Timbuktu and Gao

Since 2012, the Republic of Mali has faced a series of armed conflict in the northern regions of Timbuktu, Gao, and Kidal. These conflicts, precipitated by separatist groups and foreign terror organizations, have eroded government capacity and destabilized local communities. Over 300,000 people have been displaced, with more than a third yet to return to…

Siyakha Girls Economic Empowerment Initiative

Global evidence suggests that adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) who develop financial goals and assets are more likely to make informed decisions about their health and wellbeing, reducing their vulnerability to HIV, gender-based violence (GBV), early marriage, and unplanned pregnancy. The Bantwana Initiative’s market-based Siyakha Girls model is designed to strengthen the economic resilience of…

DREAMS Project – Supporting Comprehensive HIV Testing, Treatment, Care, and Support Services

The Bantwana Initiative is working in four priority districts to reach 18,612 vulnerable adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) and their caregivers with comprehensive DREAMS programming. While delivering key evidence-based curricula under the DREAMS primary package, Bantwana works from the ground up in communities. We build capacity to ensure that the most vulnerable young women…

Strengthening the Capacity of the Case Management Social Welfare Workforce to Respond to Humanitarian Situations (COVID-19)

COVID-19 has exacerbated the plight of vulnerable children and their families in Zimbabwe and strained the ability of child protection system to respond to a spike in cases. Pandemic-induced lockdowns have caused multiple disruptions for many households, decimating livelihoods, increasing vulnerabilities among children, and sparking a rise in violence against children (VAC), including sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV). Delivered…

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