Adult Educators’ Perceptions of Health Issues and Topics in Adult Basic Education Programs

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A national survey of adult basic educators was designed to explore practitioners’ perceptions about and experiences with health issues and topics in adult basic education classes. Between March and April 1998 a total of 1,621 surveys were mailed to directors of adult education programs in 25 states, distributed among the four regions of the United States as used by the National Institute For Literacy (NIFL). Of the 1,621 surveys sent out, 636 were returned, yielding a response rate of 39%. Surveys were in approximately equal proportions in three regions of the United States: 34% in the Northeast, 36% in the South, and 34% in the West; however, the Midwest exhibited the highest return rate at 48%. Teachers from a variety of locales were well represented: 41% (256) reported teaching in a rural setting; 35% (217) in an urban locale, and 23% (145) taught in a suburban setting.

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