AYEDI IFLY Facilitator’s Guide

The African Youth Empowerment and Development Initiative’s (AYEDI) Integrated Functional Literacy for Youth (IFLY) Guide has been developed by World Education's Bantwana Initiative in partnership with the Government of Uganda’s Ministry of Gender, Labour, and Social Development.

AYEDI guided adolescent youth through exercises and technical trainings that enabled self-discovery while teaching life skills, livelihoods, and work-readiness skills that reduced hazardous labor risks and prepared youth to find decent work in their local communities.

This guide was developed for local facilitators to introduce a curriculum of study on entrepreneurship, financial planning, and work readiness skills to youth between the ages of 15-17 in a non-formal setting. It also includes practical literacy and numeracy exercises linked to these three main topics. World Eductation/Uganda AYEDI Project. 2018.

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