Bantwana Schools Integrated Program (BSIP) Child Profiling Report

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Bantwana, in collaboration with researchers from Harvard University, developed a child profiling tool to gather information on the impact of the Bantwana Schools Integrated Program (BSIP) at the level of the child. This report presents key findings from the data collected in BSIP-supported schools in 2008 using the child profiling tool; these findings have implications for current and future OVC programming. Areas examined include nutrition, education, health, psychosocial support, preventing risky behaviors, abuse and exploitation, and knowledge about HIV prevention.

The results of the child profiling baseline collection were presented to each school, as well as at the national level to key stakeholders, including government officials, international implementing agencies, and donors. Ivelina Borisova, Mavis Vilane, Bantwana Initiative, 2009.

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