Case Study: Helping Tanzanian Youth Develop Agency and Protective Assets

The Waache Wasome (“Let them Learn”) project, implemented by World Education, Inc.’s Bantwana Initiative in northern Tanzania, is helping secondary school students — especially girls — mitigate and address a range of barriers, including school-related gender-based violence, so that they can successfully complete their education.

Over a five-year span, Waache Wasome introduced WEI/Bantwana’s evidence-informed model of student-led Protect Our Youth (POY) Clubs in 108 project schools. Through these clubs, adolescent girls and boys learn to better engage with their education and establish life goals. Social asset-building equips them to interact effectively with peers and adults, make positive life choices, and prevent, respond to, and report violence.

POY Clubs have helped students and teachers become early adopters and ambassadors for a “new normal” in which the rights and agency of youth are recognized and valued, and the importance of safe and conducive learning environments is acknowledged. This case study shows the impact of POY Clubs.

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