Distance and Digital Education Definitions and Reporting Practices: What We Have and What We Need

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Despite the rich variety of instructional modalities in use in adult foundational education in the United States, the method for federal reporting of these activities in publicly funded adult education in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) has not changed in decades, leaving us unaware of how many people participate in the various learning modalities (e.g., blended learning, in-person instruction, live remote [synchronous] instruction) and how well they are learning.

The purpose of this research is to examine how states are defining these instructional modalities and how they are reporting them to the national database (the NRS). Examining the variation among states is the first step in developing a shared set of definitions and reporting practices so that we can learn how many adults participate in different modalities,and how their learning differs—or doesn’t—across those modalities. To do this, we developed a descriptive survey for state and territory WIOA adult education directors.

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