Early Childhood Stimulation Interventions for HIV-Positive Mothers Reduce Mother-to-Child Transmission Rates

Though mother-to-child transmission of HIV is preventable, 7.55% of HIV-positive women in Malawi vertically transmit HIV to their infants. HIV-exposed infants may be at a higher risk of developmental delays due to the potential effects of HIV infection, exposure to antiretroviral drugs, or other socioeconomic factors.

In clinic catchment areas in Southern Malawi with a high-HIV burden, the USAID/PEPFAR funded Ana Patsogolo Activity (APA) delivers an Early Childhood Stimulation intervention designed to 1) increase adherence for pregnant and breastfeeding women living with HIV; 2) provide psychosocial support and counseling to HIV positive mothers to help them navigate the challenges associated with HIV and motherhood; and 3) equip HIV positive mothers with the knowledge and skills to provide a supportive and stimulating environment for HIV exposed infants.

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