SABES Math Bulletin: Building Research Into Practice, Volume 2, Issue 1

In this issue we take a closer look at A Review of the Literature in Adult Numeracy: Research and Conceptual Issues section on “Issues in Conceptualizing Adult Numeracy” where definitions, learning theories, and affective concerns receive attention.

Does it matter how you define numeracy, what learning theories you subscribe to, or what attention you devote to affective issues in the classroom? According to the Review authors it matters deeply.

How practitioners conceive of numeracy and what learning theories they embrace influences the problems they present to students, the type of discourse they develop in the class, and how they assess knowledge. Speaking of discourse, we also take a brief look at research on classroom discourse that supports the development of students’ mathematical communication. Throughout we include research tidbits meant to pique your thinking about the mathematics you teach and the connections you make.

We hope the information shared in these pages will trigger conversations and provoke thoughtful examination of your personal and program-wide theoretical assumptions and practices. World Education, 2007.

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