Strategic Approaches to Girls’ Education Income Generation Activities

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The Strategic Approaches to Girls' Education (STAGE) project is being implemented by a consortium led by World Education. The program is benefiting more than 17,200 marginalized out-of-school girls between 10-19 years old who live in rural areas in the North and South of Ghana. World Education is working with local NGO's, stakeholders, communities, and the government of Ghana to identify the girls, using a participatory community mapping tool. Girls between 10-14 years are enrolled in an accelerated learning program for 9 months where they gain literacy, numeracy, and life skills. After this period, they are supported to reintegrate back into formal education.

More than 9000 girls between 15-19 years similarly gain functional literacy, numeracy, and life skills. These girls also learn vocational skills in a community based apprenticeship training. After completing their training, girls are supported in the development of a business plan and receive seed funds to start their business or trade.

This technical brief outlines the approach that has led to successful transition of these girls. The brief outlines the community support systems that need to be in place and emphasizes how to ensure that barriers preventing the participation of marginalized girls are addressed.

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