Summaries of Papers Presented at 20th Annual Rutgers Invitational Symposium on Education (RISE)

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Rutgers University Graduate School of Education hosted Toward Defining and Improving Quality in Adult Basic Education: Issues and Challenges, in October 2003. Co-sponsored by NCSALL and Pennsylvania State University’s Goodling Institute for Research in Family Literacy and the Institute for the Study of Adult Literacy, this research conference focused on the challenges of defining what constitutes a quality adult basic and literacy education system. It also examined the ways in which research can inform the development and implementation of quality policy and practice. Recognizing that adult basic education seeks to meet the needs of a wide variety of stakeholders who learn in different contexts, the conference engaged researchers and practitioners with questions related to goals, accountability, and efficacy and efficiency in policy, practice, and research. Seventeen papers and several panel discussions were given by top researchers from around the country.

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