The Efficacy of Child Rights Clubs in Uganda

World Education’s Bantwana Initiative helps local communities in sub-Saharan Africa support orphaned and vulnerable children and their caregivers. This policy brief focuses on child rights clubs (CRCs), a component of the Bantwana Initiative’s Western Uganda Bantwana Program.

Violence against children by adults at home or in school remains a huge issue in Uganda. Through CRCs, children become aware of their rights and responsibilities and learn how to report cases of abuse. CRCs give children a platform to express themselves and to encourage their communities to advocate for children’s rights. The policy brief provides a background of the Bantwana Initiative’s integrated approach to helping orphaned and vulnerable children. It covers how the CRCs increase awareness of child protection issues in Ugandan communities and also provides an overview of lessons learned from establishing the clubs. World Education, March 2013.

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