Using Computer Technologies to Improve Basic Education in Cambodia: Thin Client Labs

This technical brief highlights World Education’s introduction of thin client labs to classrooms in Cambodia. The thin client lab is a new system with many self-contained computers run off of one central processing unit (CPU). Thin clients are compact and self-contained with few moving parts, which cuts down on computer hardware costs, makes classroom management and computer instruction easier, and eliminates many of the typical breakdowns that occur in other more traditional computer labs in Cambodia.

Through the Improving Basic Education in Cambodia (IBEC) project, World Education has been working in the Kampong Cham, Kratie, and Siem Reap Provinces to promote digital inclusion and enhance teaching and learning through thin client technology. The technical brief discusses World Education’s approach to classifying schools based on their potential to manage thin client labs and to ensure that students and school faculty get the most use out of the labs as possible. World Education, 2013.

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