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Found 202 results

UNICEF Digital Education

Under CDPF Phase III (2018-2023), one of the priority areas for investments, in line with MoEYS' national priorities, is teacher educator capacity development. So far, different development partners have supported MoEYS in creating various platforms and contents, and MoEYS has used those platforms to upgrade the capacity of teachers. A strong coordination and assessment on…

Women-led, School-based Agroforestry Project in Benin

The Women-led, School-based Agroforestry Project in Benin strengthens the capacity of Mother’s of Students Associations (AMEs) in northern Benin to address poverty and biodiversity loss by using schools as hubs for reforestation and agroforestry activities. These activities expand forested habitats to increase biodiversity, generate income for the school and community, increase food security by providing…

UNOPS Social Services Work Package

Mozambique continues to experience the impact of a terrorist-influenced insurgency in the northern province of Cabo Delgado, which has threatened peace, security, and socio-economic progress in the north, and fueled a severe humanitarian and internal displacement crisis. Among the displaced, approximately 1.2 million people need protection support; including 544,000 children, while over 824,000 people are…

Inclusive Primary Education Activity (IPEA)

The Inclusive Primary Education Activity (IPEA) is a USAID-funded project supporting the Cambodian Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport (MoEYS) to improve the foundational Khmer literacy skills of children in the early grades. Building on the achievements of the All Children Reading-Cambodia project, IPEA is supporting MoEYS to roll out the national inclusive Early Grade…

Teaching Skills That Matter – SkillBlox Research

The EdTech Center @ World Education, together with partners from the American Institutes for Research, is exploring the rollout of the Teaching Skills That Matter (TSTM) framework developed by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE) and will develop and pilot test instructional resources for TSTM, delivered through World…

Boston DigLit Initiative, Phase II: Tech Integration

In this second phase of the Boston DigLit Initiative, World Education will support participating Boston Adult Literacy Initiative member programs with integrating technology into their program and instructional practices through individualized coaching. Based off the goals, needs, and gaps identified in Phase I, programs developed and compiled customized edtech routines for a Boston-based EdTech Strategy…

Boston DigLit Initiative, Phase I: Needs Assessment and Action Plan

In this first phase of the Boston DigLit Initiative, World Education led twenty-five Boston Adult Literacy Initiative member programs through a comprehensive needs assessment and action planning process. This process was supported by both individualized and cohort-based coaching and professional development, and each program made substantial progress in recognizing and addressing gaps in their approach…

Digital Navigators Connecting Communities

In partnership with AT&T, World Education is working to increase the impact of established Connected Learning Centers by integrating digital navigator services within five cities across the nation. The team will start by identifying the needs of each community and leverage expertise in digital inclusion to co-design digital navigator services in: Dallas, TX Detroit, MI Los…

Census Ambassador Training

The Census Ambassador Trainings prepared adult students to support others to fill out the census, especially in hard-to-count communities where the effect of not being counted can have devastating effects on community access to healthcare, education, jobs, and essential services. We developed materials designed to teach basic skills in the context of information about the census—why…

English Now! Learning Circles

Building on the success and learnings of the pilot project, national scale-up of English Now! learning circles focuses on fostering peer learning for English Language Learners (ELLs). The project will open access to English learning for 250 ELLs at 10 sites in CA, DC, MD, PA, and TX through low-cost learning circles that combine learning…

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