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Found 202 results

Quality Cross-Border Education Support in Thailand (QUEST)

Conflict in Myanmar (Burma) over the past three decades has resulted in a mass movement of populations into Thailand. Nearly 130,000 refugees live in nine camps along the Thailand-Myanmar border, with children making up half the camp population. While the school system in camps is relatively well-established, teaching in refugee schools is a challenging profession:…

SABES Professional Development Coordination Center

Coordinating the Massachusetts Adult Education Professional Development System Massachusetts adult education programs provide opportunities for adults to develop the literacy skills needed to earn their high school equivalencies, further their education, enroll in job training, and obtain better employment. There are currently 19,000 adult learners enrolled in these programs with another 15,000 on wait lists….

Digital Literacy Initiative

Across the U.S., adult students are required to meet the rigorous requirements in the new Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act in order to complete a secondary degree and transition to further post-secondary education, training, and career. Integrating technology into instruction, increasing student access to technology, and leveraging learning outside the classroom can help students develop…

Resilient Livelihoods for the Poor

More than three quarters of the population in Laos lives is rural areas and poverty is particularly concentrated in these parts due to the reliance on subsistence farming. Seeking to increase the economic security and resilience of the rural poor in Laos, World Education, in partnership with World Education Australia and Village Focus International (VFI),…

McGovern-Dole Food for Education Program

Many recent assessments in Nepal show extremely poor learning outcomes for both literacy and numeracy among early grade students (especially in grades 1-3). In the last decade, net enrollment in Nepali primary schools has increased dramatically, repetition rates have declined, and attendance rates have improved. However, learning outcomes have not similarly improved due to other…

Training, Economic Empowerment, Assistive Technology and Medical Rehabilitation (TEAM) project

It is estimated that approximately 8% of households in Laos have a family member with a disability. The Training, Economic Empowerment, Assistive Technology and Medical Rehabilitation (TEAM) Project seeks to develop the very limited medical and rehabilitative services available to people with disabilities and improve their access to employment opportunities. Over the past 20 years,…

Massachusetts Career Readiness Initiative

The Massachusetts Career Readiness Initiative is a three-year pilot project lead by the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development, with funding contributed by additional stakeholder organizations. The goal of the Massachusetts Career Readiness Initiative (CRI) is to implement scalable approaches to improving the basic skills of individuals who live on public assistance, cycle through…

SABES Professional Development Center for Education and Career Planning

Massachusetts Adult Basic Education (ABE) programs provide opportunities for adults to develop the literacy and English language skills needed to earn their high school equivalencies, further their education, enroll in job training, and obtain better employment. There are currently 19,000 adult learners enrolled in these programs with another 15,000 on wait lists. The Massachusetts Department…

War Victims Medical Fund

Tens of thousands of cluster bombs were dropped during the Vietnam War, and continue to litter the Lao countryside. Through the funding of private donors, World Education's War Victims Survivor Assistance project improves services to the victims of unexploded ordnance (UXO) accidents. Services provided include a number of components: The War Victims Medical Fund pays…

Innovative STEM Learning Program, Europe

There is a growing awareness on the part of education policy makers in Europe that student performance in many European countries in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) subjects is on the decline and needs considerable attention to both methodology and content in order to better prepare youth for STEM careers. With assistance from the…

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