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Women’s Entrepreneurship Center – Laos

Strengthening entrepreneurship and small business growth is essential to the Government of Lao PDRs plan to graduate from Least Developed Country (LDC) status by 2020. While women play a pivotal role in driving social transformation and economic development, many women in the country lack access to capital, networks, and skills-training. World Education has launched a…

Translation and Publication of Service Provider Directory

There is limited information available for landmine survivors, persons with disabilities, and stakeholders working on issues of victim assistance and disability in Myanmar. This activity will address that issue. World Education will translate, print, and distribute a service provider directory in Kayah State, a location affected by decades of conflict and contaminated with landmines. Government…

Promoting Victim Assistance and Disability Engagement and Advocacy – Phase 2

The Promoting Victim Assistance and Disability Engagement and Advocacy – Phase 2 project aimed to address the limited state-level coordination among groups involved in victim assistance and disability issues, and the limited capacity of landmine survivors and persons with disabilities to advocate for and participate in decision making processes and built upon Phase 1 of…

Promoting Victim Assistance and Disability Working Groups and Advocacy Efforts – Phase 1

Since 2012, World Education has worked closely with the Government of Myanmar and civil society to provide direct assistance to landmine survivors, persons with disabilities (PWDs), and their families in Southeast Myanmar. World Education's work included establishing disability self-help groups, providing livelihoods support, and initiating and facilitating quarterly victim assistance (VA) and disability working group…

Support to Landmine Survivors and Persons with Disabilities in Myanmar

Kayah State is located on the eastern border of Myanmar and like many states in eastern Myanmar was involved in decades of armed conflict. This left all seven townships contaminated with landmines and other explosive ordinance. Despite the 2012 ceasefire between the government and some non-state actors, landmines are still utilized on both sides resulting…

MA ESOL Standards Revision

World Education is updating the Massachusetts (MA) ESOL Standards for Adult Education to align them more fully with the national College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education and English Language Proficiency Standards. This revision will enable ESOL instructors and others to be guided by one integrated standards document and to provide more consistent programming…

Brookline Teen Job Readiness Assessment Project

The World Education's National College Transition Network (NCTN) team is assessing the workforce training programs for teens and young adults in Brookline, MA. This assessment is the first step in identifying strategies and developing the action plan needed to ensure that youth have the skills needed to be successful in a career of their choice….

Building the Foundation: Strengthening Public-Private Systems for Upskilling Workers

Millions of Americans are employed but lack key literacy, numeracy, or technology-related skills that would enable them to achieve economic mobility. The issue is especially acute in the service sector where 20 million people lack key foundational skills. World Education is a partner in Building the Foundation a new initiative led by the National Skills…

Integrated Pest Management for Specific Products

One of the challenges in Timor-Leste is the ability of farmers to manage the pest and disease challenges to crop production, and to understand and manage the costs and benefits of those management options. Therefore improving farmer skills in managing pests and disease by considering health and the environment alongside increased yields and cost efficiency…

DREAMS: Reducing HIV infections among adolescent girls and young women

Many adolescent girls and young women lack a full range of opportunities and are too often devalued because of gender bias, leading them to be seen as unworthy of investment or protection. Social isolation, economic disadvantage, discriminatory cultural norms, orphanhood, gender-based violence, and school drop-out all contribute to girls’ vulnerability to HIV. The DREAMS program…

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