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Found 202 results

Developing a Rural Microfinance Institution in Laos

Only about 15% of households in Laos have access to formal financial sources. Poor rural communities in Laos do not have access to secure and reliable financial services. Consequently, families are unable to make significant investments in developing their livelihoods, weather economic shocks, and save for the future. World Education Inc. and World Education Australia…

21st Century Learning Ecosystem Opportunities (21CLEO)

Required use of technologies have made more intense the pace of change in the workplace. In response, employers offer both staff training and more comprehensive educational opportunities to equip employee to success and advance. The EdTech Center @ World Education and the Literacy, Language, and Technology Research group (LLTR) at Portland State University are conducting…

Leveraging Existing Accessibility Resources in Nepal (LEARN)

In Nepal, roughly 11 percent of children have a disability, according to UNICEF estimates. Access to education for children with disabilities in the country often depends on their type of disability, rural or urban location, and language, and only a small percentage are estimated to have tailored learning support.  LEARN – Leveraging Existing Accessibility Resources…

Go Girls Connect!

Go Girls Connect! is an innovative program that is using a mobile-based technology to build digital competency and empower girls with critical life skills, protective assets, and resources. In addition the program builds girls' skills to tackle negative gender norms and helps identify gender-based violence (GBV) survivors—particularly those at risk of dropping out of school—and…

Prioritizing Reform, Innovation and Opportunities for Reaching Indonesia’s Teachers, Administrators, and Students (PRIORITAS) Indonesia

In 2000, the Indonesian government began an effort to transfer the control, ownership, and responsibility for school assets from the central government to the districts and provinces. This decentralization is an important step toward local control of education for the world’s fourth-most populous nation. However, the process of decentralization creates many challenges for local government,…

South India Girl Child Initiative

The South India Girl Child Initiative seeks to expand existing efforts of four local NGOs that ameliorate the social, environmental, and economic conditions that impede girls' education and decrease girls' vulnerability to sexual exploitation and abusive forms of child labor in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu States. The end goals of the Initiative are to…

Strengthening Early Grade Reading for Improved Learning Outcomes

Building on previous phases, World Education's project (2022-2024) aims to improve early grade reading in Bajhang, Bajura, and Darchula by doing the following: Improve children's reading and comprehension skills through provision of grade appropriate reading materials Build teacher capacity to teach reading and properly assess student progress Increase parent and community engagement to promote a…

Inclusive Education Initiative

World Education used matching support from World Bank to support all project schools and local goverment in Jajarkot, East and West Rukum to more firmly embed EGR practices and enable teachers to address the learning needs of children with disabilities (CWD). The Inclusive Education Initiative had two parts – (1) to address teacher skills through…

Safe to Learn: Creating a Safer Learning Environment in Nepal’s Schools

Global evidence suggests violence in and around schools poses barriers to student retention and learning. As part of the Safe to Learn initiative under the Fund to End Violence Against Children, World Education aimed to prevent violence against children and adolescents in schools, homes and communities through a multi-pronged approach: At the policy level, World…

Equity and Inclusion in Education

Building on the successes of previous phases, World Education supported the Government of Nepal in the following objectives from 2019-2022: Increase the capacity of 446 schools to provide quality early grade education, especially for the most disadvantaged children including those with disabilities and those who do not speak Nepali at home and in remote areas….

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World Education strives to build lasting relationships with partners across diverse geographic regions and technical sectors to produce better education outcomes for all.
