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We document and disseminate various results, trainings, and resources from our research, programs, and projects.

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Found 529 results

Strategies to Facilitate Reading Comprehension among College Transition Students

The NCTN Research to Practice Briefs are designed to disseminate emerging college transition research from a variety of sources in a user-friendly format. As students transitioning to college encounter texts of increasing difficulty, the need to approach reading tasks strategically greatly increases. Research has demonstrated that direct instruction in the use of reading strategies can…

The Economic Benefits of Pre-baccalaureate College: What Can We Learn from W. Norton Grubb?

The NCTN Research to Practice Briefs are designed to disseminate emerging college transition research from a variety of sources in a user-friendly format. Postsecondary education offers a variety of important benefits for the adult student, but higher income or earning power is not always one of them. Professor W. Norton Grubb, of the University of…

Decoding and Fluency Problems of Poor College Readers

The NCTN Research to Practice Briefs are designed to disseminate emerging college transition research from a variety of sources in a user-friendly format. While developmental reading courses typically teach comprehension strategies and vocabulary, many students still need explicit instruction and practice in developing skills in phonics, word recognition, and fluency. However, such instruction is rarely…

Working with Young Adults in College Transition Programs

The NCTN Research to Practice Briefs are designed to disseminate emerging college transition research from a variety of sources in a user-friendly format. The purpose of this brief is to identify the challenges of working with older and younger students in college transition classes, as well as to resent strategies that four successful programs use…

Promising Practice: Orientation

The NCTN Promising Practice Series presents detailed descriptions of strategies from the field that are designed to promote the successful transition of students from ABE to postsecondary education. Many GED students have anxiety and a low sense of self-efficacy when it comes to academic work. Some don't feel that they are smart, and they think…

Transition Student Portfolio Model

The NCTN Promising Practice Series presents detailed descriptions of strategies from the field that are designed to promote the successful transition of students from ABE to postsecondary education. Many of our students over the years have been organizationally challenged and somewhat overwhelmed by all the materials they receive. The portfolio focuses the students’ attention on…

Promising Practice: Memorandum of Understanding

The NCTN Promising Practice Series presents detailed descriptions of strategies from the field that are designed to promote the successful transition of students from ABE to postsecondary education. When we decided we wanted to go forward with a college preparatory program, we wanted to make sure we had a commitment from the local college that…

Monthly Mentor Evenings

The NCTN Promising Practice Series presents detailed descriptions of strategies from the field that are designed to promote the successful transition of students from ABE to postsecondary education. Our ABE-to-College Transition Project grant required that we have a mentoring component. In 2004, we initiated mandatory, monthly, in-house mentoring sessions in an effort to provide a…

Career Planning for SUCCESS

The NCTN Promising Practice Series presents detailed descriptions of strategies from the field that are designed to promote the successful transition of students from ABE to postsecondary education. The SUCCESS program is designed so that career planning is integrated nearly seamlessly into the overall college transition program by providing ongoing guidance and support to students…

Building Relationships with Elected Officials Through Program Visits

The NCTN Promising Practice Series presents detailed descriptions of strategies from the field that are designed to promote the successful transition of students from ABE to postsecondary education. Reaching out and building relationships with elected officials is an important way to advocate for your students, program, and the field of adult education. As you will…

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