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Found 202 results

Pace AI Usability/Feasibility Study

In this Small Business Innovations Research project, funded by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES), World Education is partnering with Pace AI to pilot new learning modes designed to support multi-level instruction and asynchronous learner engagement. Pace AI, an edtech startup incubated out of the Allen Institute of AI Research, uses advanced artificial intelligence methods…

Connecting Communities for Digital Opportunity

World Education and AT&T are collaborating to advance digital equity, inclusion, and resilience, close persistent digital divides, and catalyze digital transformation through integrated digital literacy and access services. World Education will support AT&T's Connected Learning Centers (CLCs) housed within local nonprofit organizations in diverse rural, urban, and tribal communities across the United States. The goal…

Northern Mozambique Rural Resilience Project (MozNorte)

MozNorte, a 5-year project developed by the Government of Mozambique and funded by the World Bank, will improve access to livelihood opportunities and management of natural resources for vulnerable communities. World Education leads a consortium to support the project’s Community Demand Driven Funds. This effort comes as a response to a global acceleration of natural…

Tatpartaa: Increasing Responsiveness to Child Labor & Forced Labor in the Context of Climate Change

Nepal ranks 10th in the world among countries most vulnerable to climate change, and 80 percent of the population faces risks due to climate change. With elevations ranging from a few meters above sea level to the top of the highest mountains in the world, Nepal is susceptible to many climate change threats. Nepal also…

Sangai Sikaun Sangai Badhaun (Learning & Growing Together) Project: Remedial Extension Component

The Sangai Sikaun Sangai Badhaun (“Learning & Growing Together”) project worked in severely disadvantaged communities in Nepal, where many families had recently been exploited in bonded labor systems and where education outcomes were among the worst in Nepal. Over the course of five years from 2012-2017, the project’s holistic approach transformed the educational ecosystem: school…

McGovern-Dole International Food For Education in Cambodia

Under the USDA McGovern-Dole International Food For Education (FFE) program, World Education is partnering with World Food Programme (WFP) to promote Khmer literacy of Cambodian children by working at the central level of the Cambodian Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport (MoEYS) and in school feeding districts in Kampong Thom and Siem Reap provinces. Under…

McGovern-Dole International Food For Education in Cambodia

Under the USDA McGovern-Dole International Food For Education (FFE) program, World Education is partnering with World Food Programme (WFP) to promote Khmer literacy of Cambodian children by working at the central level of the Cambodian Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport (MoEYS) and in school feeding districts in Kampong Thom and Siem Reap provinces. Under…

UNICEF Basic and Equitable Education Program – Phase II

In agreement with the Government of Mali, UNICEF initiated a program to entrust to local CBOs and NGOs the implementation of activities for which the Malian Department for Education has limited skills and resources. These activities include support for community participation in the development of basic education, community activities to support girls' education and gender…

Adult Skills Network Lead

World Education, in partnership with American Institutes for Research, Jobs For the Future and Abt Associates, will provide leadership in The Building Adult Skills and Attainment Through Technology Research Network (Adult Skills Network), an IES-funded research initiative launched in September 2021. The Adult Skills Network will help address the learning needs of millions of U.S….

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