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A Guide to HIV/AIDS Prevention,Treatment, Care & Support

A guide to adolescent sexual reproductive health rights that include tips, definitions, and prevention methods to promote a healthy well-being. World Education/Bantwana Initiative. 2015.

Mentoring Toolkit

Offers program design, tools, and resources that can be used to establish a peer mentoring program. The overall program design is conceptualized as a coordinated network, led by a Mentor Coordinator and supported by the adult education programs’ designated staff where well-trained mentors serve as role models and provide information and guidance during adult students’…

Gender-Based Violence and Access to Health Fact Sheet – Bantwana in Zimbabwe

This two-page document includes a fact sheet regarding gender-based violence in Zimbabwe and another fact sheet regarding the lack of access to health services in Zimbabwe. World Education / Vana Bantwana, 2015.

Bantwana Case Management Model

This document features the case management model and discusses its application to the Bantwana initiative in Zimbabwe. This model is designed to provide orphans and vulnerable children in Zimbabwe with a continuum of care and support until their needs are met within their own communities. The overview further explains what the case management model is…

Male Peer Groups Facilitator Guide

This guide was developed to promote peer-to-peer discussions for men around intimate partner violence. Other relevant issues such as gender norms; concepts of fatherhood, caregiving, and masculinity; sexuality and reproductive health; and HIV and AIDS have been incorporated into discussions to provide a safe environment for men to discuss a range of issues that affect…

SABES Math Bulletin: Building Research Into Practice, Volume 1, Issue 2

This issue focuses attention on the integration of research into practice. Using materials adapted from Cristine Smith's National Center for the Study of Adult Literacy and Learning (NCSALL), Mev Miller of the Massachusetts SABES Southeast Region, prepared a research guide for math practitioner leaders managing a year-long professional development activity for adult educators.This document is…

SABES Math Bulletin: Building Research Into Practice, Volume 1, Issue 1

The SABES Math Bulletin represents our efforts to present research findings and professional information to teachers in a way that makes it accessible and useful. Teachers will find a variety of sources and information in this brief bulletin.It summarizes information and include citations for future article exploration. This bulletin is designed to pique interest and…

Summaries of Papers Presented at 20th Annual Rutgers Invitational Symposium on Education (RISE)

Rutgers University Graduate School of Education hosted Toward Defining and Improving Quality in Adult Basic Education: Issues and Challenges, in October 2003. Co-sponsored by NCSALL and Pennsylvania State University’s Goodling Institute for Research in Family Literacy and the Institute for the Study of Adult Literacy, this research conference focused on the challenges of defining what…

Ideas for Teaching Reading: Program Administrators and Counselors

In this 3½ hour seminar, program administrators and counselors examine several evidence-based practices for teaching reading and consider what changes might be necessary for improving instruction in their programs.

Ideas for Teaching Reading: ESOL

In this three-hour seminar, adult education practitioners not only examine reading instruction for English-for-speakers-of-other-language (ESOL) learners, but also consider how reading instruction varies from that for learners who are native language speakers.

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