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Found 202 results

Equity in Education in Disadvantaged Districts (EEDD)

World Education supported the Government of Nepal to achieve four goals: Improve Early Grade Learning (reading and math) in 400 schools in remote districts, including developing inclusive strategies to address the needs of children with disabilities. Serve out-of-school children, providing technical support to manage data and build capacity of local government and partners to deliver nonformal…

Improved Learning Outcomes in Primary Education (SABER)

World Education has been supporting Mozambican literacy and numeracy in the early grades through bilingual and monolingual education since 2012. In its Bilingual Expansion Strategy (2020-2029), the Government of Mozambique has made a renewed commitment to improving early grade literacy outcomes by expanding bilingual education. In collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Human Development’s…


The A2B4Equity pilot program was launched by Corporation for a Skilled Workforce (CSW) and the School of Education at the University of Pittsburgh, in partnership with the Office of Community College Research and Leadership (OCCRL) at the University of Illinois and funded by ECMC Foundation. World Education, Inc. is providing technical assistance to the participating…

Transforming Immigrant Digital Equity (TIDE)

To serve adult immigrant and refugee English language learners equitably and holistically, there is a pressing imperative to educate and engage service providers, policy makers, institutional decision-makers, and advocates for re-envisioning adult education, digital equity, and immigration at the national, state, and local levels. Transforming Immigrant Digital Equity (TIDE), which builds upon the findings of…

Zimbabwe Children First

Children First was a five-year program funded by USAID that worked to mitigate the impact of HIV and AIDS on orphans and vulnerable children in Zimbabwe by developing, implementing, and improving proven models for care and support of vulnerable children. Through Children First, World Education used child-focused, community-driven comprehensive programming that addressed children's needs and…

Advancing ATB for Equitable Access to Opportunity

The Ability to Benefit (ATB) provision in the Higher Education Act, which gives adults without a high school diploma or equivalent access to federal student aid under certain conditions, is a critical but underutilized strategy for ensuring equitable access to postsecondary education and – by extension – economic stability. Black, Indigenous, and other communities of color…

Women’s Leadership: Civic Leadership and Journalism

The Women's Leadership: Civic Leadership and Journalism project strengthened the presence and voice of women in the media as a way to develop community-level leadership roles for Senegalese women. The program built upon the popularity of community radio in Senegal to deliver messages and spread awareness about women's rights. The program targeted 13 rural communities, comprised of 543…

Capacity Building for Early Grade Reading (2020-2021)

World Education provides technical advising and project management expertise to build the capacity of a local organization so it is able to lead and effectively monitor the literacy component of the World Food Programme (WFP) Food for Education project in northern Laos. Through workshops, trainings, and coaching, World Education is helping the organization conduct early grade…

Baani Batto Conflict Prevention and Recovery Program

World Education, Inc. and its sub-awardee Aide à L’Enfant du Désert et du Sahel (AEDS) are empowering local organizations to support the needs of conflict-affected communities in northern Mali's Gao, Menaka, and Kidal regions through the Baani Batto Conflict Prevention and Recovery Program, part of USAID’s Conflict Prevention and Recovery Program. The 2015 Algiers Accord between the Mali Government and…

Establishment of Integrated Education Management and Information System (EMIS) and National and International Student Assessment Program

World Education is improving policy development and decision-making in the education sector in Cote d'Ivoire by providing technical assistance to the Ministry of Education through the collection, analysis, and systematic use of relevant and high-quality educational data.  This project, Establishment of Integrated Education Management and Information System (EMIS, or SIGE in French) and National and International Student…

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World Education strives to build lasting relationships with partners across diverse geographic regions and technical sectors to produce better education outcomes for all.
